My hubby loves waking up to this heavenly bread pudding. It’s his favorite in the morning, esp on Christmas day

Slow Cooker Bread Pudding is a heartwarming dessert that brings together the classic flavors of bread, custard, and sweet spices. Originating from British cuisine as a practical solution to use up stale bread, this dish has evolved into a globally beloved dessert known for its rich taste and effortless preparation. The real charm of Slow Cooker Bread Pudding lies in its soft, gooey texture and the inviting aroma that permeates the kitchen as it cooks slowly.

This recipe stands out on its own or can be elevated with various delightful additions. Pair it with fresh whipped cream or vanilla ice cream for a creamy contrast, or drizzle caramel or chocolate sauce for added indulgence. For a fruity flavor, accompany it with seasonal berries or a fruit compote. Whether served as a post-dinner treat or as part of a brunch spread, this bread pudding is sure to satisfy.

Slow Cooker Bread Pudding Recipe:


6 cups cubed bread (about 1 inch in size)

1 cup seedless raisins

1½ cups light brown sugar

6 beaten eggs

1¾ cups milk

1½ teaspoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Lightly grease the inside of your slow cooker to prevent sticking.

Mix the cubed bread and raisins in a large bowl.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, brown sugar, and cinnamon until well combined.

Pour the egg mixture over the bread and raisins. Stir gently to ensure all bread is soaked.

Transfer the mix into the greased slow cooker.

Cover and cook on LOW heat for 3-4 hours, until the pudding sets and edges are slightly browned.

Once done, turn off the slow cooker and allow the pudding to cool for a few minutes before serving.

Serve warm, plain, or enhance it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, maple syrup, or vanilla sauce.

This Slow Cooker Bread Pudding is more than just a dessert; it’s a cozy and comforting experience, perfect for creating lasting memories with your loved ones.

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